For starters, I've gone and lost my job. Actually, that's not accurate -- given that I know exactly where my job is. After 13 years at Entertainment Weekly, I've been relieved of my duties. "Laid off" is the official term. And, you know, I'm okay with it. I've spent most of my adult life at EW and, while I wouldn't trade the experience for anything -- especially the late '90s, the last of the halcyon days of magazine publishing -- it was time for me to spend some time running down the dream.
So that's what I'm gonna do for the next couple of months: write my ass off. There's a decent number of contracted comics that need finishing, a couple of ideas that need developing, a screenplay that needs to be juiced back to life, and a novel that I can not write because I'm scared of it.
On the bright side, before I left EW, I got Nathan Fillion to come and visit, purely through the power of Twitter. So I've got that going for me...
I'll be here a lot more often, given that I've, technically, no place else to be.
Hey, man. Sorry to here you got laid off. I read a lot of your reviews, and although I often disagreed (Lost >>> BSG), I thought you were good.
Good luck on the comics career (and if Annie Wu is that secret artist you're talking about, I'll definitely buy the first issue).
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