Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Poor King of the Sea

How does one actually learn that their superpower is talking to fish? Seriously, like, how far down the list do you have to go before you get to that? Flying, I get. X-ray vision, sure, people are horny and that one dude suddenly gets a nice little surprise. Super-speed, yeah, you'll stumble upon that pretty easily trying to catch a morning train.

But at what point do you get to the talking at shit and seeing if it'll talk back? And, even if you somehow arrive to that sad superhero place where you are trying to strike up random conversations with animals, how do you settle on fish? They certainly wouldn't be the first species you tried--dogs, cats, lions, horses, parakeets, roaches, spiders all would've been higher on my list. Whoever keeps going all the way into phylum's basement is one persistent sumbitch...or, retarded.

I'm just saying, is all. Kinda sad.


Cunningham said...

"King of the Sea" - does he come packed in water or oil?

But yeah, I would take Animal Man over old Aquaman any day. One trip to the zoo or even Seaworld and I'd kick Aquaman's ass...

(okay, how geeky is it that I'm talking about beating up a fictional character from a comic?)

Anonymous said...


marc bernardin said...

no geekier than I for giving this so much friggin' thought...

Randy Lander said...

On the other hand... if you live underwater, your leisure time is pretty constrained. Movies and TV would both electrocute you, reading material gets all soaked and ruined... hell, why not try talking to the fish? ;)